Wyedean School and Sixth Form Centre

Stretch and Challenge 

At Wyedean School, we recognise that we have many bright, talented and "more able" students. Such students need encouragement: academic rigour, pastoral support, super- and extra-curricular opportunities and a good old 'push' to get the very best out of them. But at Wyedean, we also recognise that all students deserve this. Regardless of where CAT scores, GCSE points and teacher assessment rank them, we believe that all of our students should be exposed to the very best of what we have to offer, and that's why we aspire to achieve our ethos of "Stretch and Challenge for All".

It's entrenched in our "quality first" teaching; entwined in our relationships between staff and students; inextricably linked to our high expectations and belief in each student. We teach to the top, offer all opportunities to every student, and expect the best from everyone, students and staff included. At Wyedean, we strive for a culture where hard work, self-determination and progress is worth celebrating, and we do this through Stretch and Challenge for All.

This culture extends to provision beyond lessons. To support and nurture our students, we offer a mentoring programme to ensure students have opportunities to talk and to ask for guidance if necessary. Similarly, our pastoral programme and careers provision ensures students are informed in the choices they make, both for higher education and beyond.