Wyedean School and Sixth Form Centre

Pre University Short Courses

Pre-University short courses

Our pre-University short courses are bespoke programmes of study for students who are interested in university courses that have highly competitive application processes. Each is delivered by an experienced member of staff with knowledge and experience of the subject area.



Our pre-Law course involves reading and analysing articles from salient books and journals. Students are then encouraged to reflect upon and discuss their research with like-minded students and a dedicated mentor. We also invite in a guest speaker from Cardiff University who tests the students' skills of analysis by giving them a law scenario to discuss and judge. We take the students to Cardiff Crown Court so that they can see and experience proceedings first hand. Towards the end of the course students will be given specialist support from the Law mentor on finding an appropriate work experience placement and constructing their personal statement. 


Medicine, Veterinary Science and Dentistry

The MDV programme is a short course for those students interested in pursuing a career in Medine, Veterinary Science or Dentistry. Students are given advice on how to find the right work experience placement, write personal statements and prepare for interviews at university. A key aim of the programme is to enable the students to reflect upon and analyse their relevant experiences. They are encouraged to read widely and think critically about their research. Our MDV teaching mentor will facilite this and challenge the students appropriately during their weekly meetings. We also invite in past students who've studied Medicine, Veterinary Science and Dentistry to share their experience and expertise. 


 Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

Our STEM coordinator has developed a project with Dyson to stretch the students' skills of resilience, problem solving and communication. In addition to our collaborative work with Dyson, our STEM group are encouraged to keep abreast of the latest developments by undertaking wider reading. They are supported with their analysis by their STEM mentor who also provides assistance with personal statements and interviews.