Statutory Policies
- Accessibility Plan 24-25
- Admissions 2024-2025
- Admissions 2025-26
- Admissions 2026-27
- Allegations Against Staff
- Application for Secondary School Uniform Grant 2024-25
- Application for Secondary School Uniform Grant 2024-25
- Attendance and Absence
- Behaviour
- Bursary 2024-2025
- Careers
- Charging
- Child Protection and Safeguarding
- Competitive Tendering and Procurement
- Complaints Procedures
- Disciplinary and Procedure
- Early Career Teacher ECT Induction
- Equality Diversity and Inclusion
- Equality Information and Objectives Statement
- Exclusion and Suspension
- First Aid
- Freedom of Information
- GDPR and Privacy
- Health and Safety
- Keeping children safe in education 2024 DfE guidlelines
- Medical Conditions - Supporting Students with Special Medical Needs
- Premises Management
- Prevent Duty
- Protection of Biometric Data
- Relationships and Sex Education
- Reserves and Investment
- School uniform
- SEND Policy and Information Report
- Staff Code of Conduct
- Students with Additional Health Needs
- Whistle Blowing
Non-Statutory Policies
- Anti Bullying
- Assessment and Examination
- Child on Child Abuse
- Children in Care CIC
- Digital
- Finance
- Home School Agreement
- Marking and Feedback
- Mobile Phone
- Provider Access Statement
- Reporting Low-level Safeguarding Concerns
- Secondary Curriculum
- Separated parent
- Social Emotional and Mental Health SEMH
- Student friendly safeguarding
- Teaching and Learning Statement
- Unreasonable Communications
School Uniform Policy and Equipment Checklist
School Uniform Policy including Equipment Checklist
Please note that the Wyedean PE hoodie is only to be worn during PE / Sporting events and not as part of the day-to-day uniform.
Any queries regarding our uniform and dress code please do not hesitate to contact us direct rather than the suppliers - principal@wyedeanschool.com
PE Kit
Orders can be made via the suppliers listed below. There will also be pop up shops during the school year which will be announced at a later date.
Compulsory kit items
Polo shirt or round neck T-shirt Shorts/ Skort Football / Rugby socks Trainers and football boots
Optional kit items
Rugby shirt Hoodie Skins Bottoms / Sports leggings |
Official suppliers to Wyedean School:
Sheila's Drapery
Beachley Road, Sedbury Chepstow, Gloucestershire. NP16 7AA. Tel. 01291 623311
PMG Schoolwear
We are pleased to confirm that all of our school uniform is now available to order online. Please visit PMG Schoolwear.
Harris Sports - www.harrissports.co.uk
Please note that many other providers sell what they call school uniform which does not conform to our requirements.