Student well-being and safeguarding
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Safeguarding children: What is safeguarding?
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everybody's business. It involves:
- protecting children from maltreatment
- preventing impairment of children's health or development
- ensuring children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care
Child Protection
Safeguarding children is also about child protection. This means the variety of activities that take place to protect children who may be at risk of significant harm due to emotional, physical or sexual abuse or neglect.
If you are worried about a child and think that he or she may be the victim of, or at risk from, neglect, abuse or cruelty - talk to a teacher, health visitor, doctor or youth worker, who will give you advice about what to do next. Alternatively, you may contact the police or your local children's social care office.
Wyedean School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We are fully committed to ensuring that consistent effective safeguarding procedures are in place to support families, children and staff at school. All concerns are passed through the members of staff who are trained as "Designated Safeguarding Leads" in school in compliance with the "Keeping Children Safe in Education" (latest version, September 2024) guidance.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead is Dai Thomas who is referred to in our school as the DSL. Our deputy DSL is Jess Gregory. The school also has a Safeguarding Trustee: Ashley Syms-Rees.
Children have a right to have fun and be safe. Our policies and procedures reflect our understanding and the importance of safeguarding children, a few include:
- Child protection policy and procedure
- Safe recruitment procedure (including suitability)
- Photography, video, mobile phone and e-safety
- Training
- Health and Safety policy and procedures
- First Aid
- Fire Procedures
- Risk assessments
- Managing Behaviour
- Deployment of staff
- Trips and outings procedures
- SEND policy
We also ensure that we:
- Listen to concerns from children, parents and carers
- Keep up to date with any national and local changes
If you have any serious concerns about your child or any other child at Wyedean School please do not hesitate to contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead who knows who to contact for the best advice and help and is experienced in using the appropriate degree of confidentiality.
For the best interests of all our children we use the following safeguarding measures:
Cause for Concern
Staff members are asked to report any causes for concern to the School Safeguarding Team using a written proforma. Any concerns will be shared with parents/carers as early as possible as more often than not there are extremely reasonable explanations for the concern. Concerns may range from children being visibly upset to persistent lateness to children 'disclosing' concerns.
All lateness and absences are recorded. Reasons will be sought for all absence or lateness. Attendance is monitored through these systems and referrals to the Safeguarding Team can be made. Parents will always be informed of concerns around attendance at the earliest point.
Emergency contact details:
First Response: 01291 636180
Local Authority LADO:
Name: Jane Bee
Phone: 01452 426994
Police: 999 / 101 (non-emergency) Prevent Referral:
Prevent is a government strategy with the aim of reducing the likelihood of young people becoming radicalised and then engaging in any form of violent extremism. You can find out more by following the link below:
British Values
Fundamental British Values Parents' Pamphlet
Reporting Absence
Arrived late to school in the morning or afternoon? Remember to register. If you cannot register then you MUST report to Reception and sign-in.
Please note that owing to changes in government policy we are no longer able to authorise holidays during term-time, apart from in a very narrow range of circumstances. These include family crises, such as bereavement, and a short period of discretionary leave for families of soldiers returning from a period of active duty overseas.
Learning Support
Please click HERE to download the SEND Information Report 2024.
Student Support
At Wyedean we expect high standards from our students. Our expectations benefits the local community and also benefits the students especially when they move into further education and employment. Please take time to read the below.
All people must be treated with respect. All students should wear school uniform except the Sixth Form. There should be no jewellery, except for one ear stud per ear. Valuables should not be brought to school, except with the express permission of a teacher. Any monies brought to school must be kept on the person. Mobile telephones must not be brought to school. Parents must contact the school by telephone if their child is absent. However, on the student returning to school, a note signed by the parents must always explain an absence.
Students are required to arrive punctually for lessons, fully prepared with all necessary equipment and books. They must maintain cleanliness and orderliness in all rooms, and exit classrooms quietly and in an orderly manner, adhering to the teacher's instructions at the end of the lesson.
Permission from the teacher is mandatory for any student leaving the classroom. For appointments during lesson or school hours, students must present proof to their Tutor or Head of Year, who will issue a note to be shown to the relevant subject teacher and then to the receptionist before attending the appointment. Students must sign in and out at reception if arriving late or leaving early for any reason. They may attend peripatetic music lessons or appointments with the School Counsellor or School Nurse if they have an appointment card. If a student feels unwell, they must inform their subject teacher and follow the given directions.
Students should never run in the corridors. Movement in the corridors should be quiet and on the left. Students should be conscious of safety on the stairs: keep to the left and don't run or push others. All Sixth Form students and staff will be required to wear name badges. Students wishing to bring any vehicle to school (bicycle, car etc.) must get permission from their Head of Year, and must be conscious of safety at all times.
All unlawful substances are prohibited and must not be brought to school. All aerosols are banned, as are spirit based pens and tippex.
All unlawful items (guns, knives and so on) are banned from school. Body-piercing, except for point 3 in Individual, is banned. Ball games are only allowed on the grass areas behind the sports hall and then only when these areas are designated for such use by the P.E. staff.
We are an Eco friendly school and consequently encourage all our school community to reduce their carbon footprint, re-use packaging and products where possible, and re-cycle all relevant items. School grounds, buildings and equipment should be treated with respect. Chewing gum is banned from the school premises. Litter must be put in the litter bins provided. The entire school site is a NO SMOKING / VAPING zone, including the car parks and playing field.
Entering and leaving the premises
After arriving at school, students must not leave the premises without the permission of a member of staff, normally their Head of Year or other senior staff. Only Heads of Year or members of the Leadership Group may allow students out of school and then only with a pass or a countersigned letter. Only students who live locally (Sedbury and lower part of Tutshill) may go home at lunchtime; and they must possess a pass issued by the Head of Year on receipt of a letter from parents requiring them to go home for lunch. Students must not arrange to receive visitors during the school day.
Your co-operation in all these matters is much appreciated.
First Aid
Our First Aid Room is supervised by a qualified First Aider to help with any injuries that occur on site during the school day:
- First Aider is on site from 8.00am until 4.00pm
- Parents of students requiring daily or regular medication should complete the correct paperwork and leave medicines in the First Aid Room. Medication will be stored by the First Aider and given to students for self-administration as and when required. Students should not have medicines on their person during the school day.
- No medicines (such as paracetamol) are available for general student issue.
- Students need to obtain a yellow pass from their teacher in order to be released from a lesson to attend the First Aid Room. Students should not go to the First Aid Room without a yellow pass.
- Students requiring the First Aid Room before 8.45am (registration), during break or during lunch, should obtain a yellow pass from their Head of Year, Tutor or Pastoral Support Officer.
- No medical facilities are available in the First Aid Room. It is a separate, private area for students should they suffer an injury or become unwell.
- The service is provided to respond to any injuries that occur during the school day. It does not support any injuries that take place outside of school or at home and parents are expected to take their children to a GP or hospital in such instances.
- Parents will be contacted to collect their child from the First Aid Room as soon as possible as only general care and First Aid can be provided.
- If an injury is severe an ambulance will be called.
Parents are reminded that students should not be sent to school with injuries or illness. Any sickness and diarrhoea requires a 48 hour period before students should return to school.