Wyedean School and Sixth Form Centre

Pupil Premium

We are a fully inclusive school and committed to equality. This is reflected in our school aims, school standards and in our statement of intent.

We recognise that students eligible for the Pupil Premium may have significant barriers to learning, and so we are committed to using research-based best practice to enable our students to access the curriculum and have the opportunity to succeed.

 It is our intent that all students who attend Wyedean School and Sixth Form Centre are successful regardless of their academic, economic or social background. We are ambitious for all our students, and we are deeply committed to challenging them to achieve more than they first thought possible through high expectations, quality first teaching and the highest possible standards of pastoral care.

Our policy is that all of our students have the potential to achieve at, or beyond, their indicated potential. All students are valued as individuals and the Pupil Premium Grant is used judiciously to ensure there is capacity within the school to support them in achieving success.

What is the Pupil Premium?

The Government provides Pupil Premium, in addition to main school funding, to help students achieve. The Pupil Premium is allocated to schools based on the number of students who have ever been eligible for free school meals over the past six years and children who have been continuously looked after for more than six months. Pupil Premium is spent within the context of the overall funding agreement between the Department for Education and Wyedean School.

The Pupil Premium is additional funding provided to schools to help improve outcomes for disadvantaged learners. The Pupil Premium forms a crucial part of a school’s strategy to provide better life chances and better life choices for less fortunate young people

Service Premium

The Service Premium is paid to provide additional teaching and learning support for students whose parents are in the Armed Services.

Raising Standards

At Wyedean School, we aim to deliver quality first teaching to all students, regardless of social background. However, through extensive evaluations and strategic planning, we have a catalogue of support strategies in place for our students in receipt of the Pupil Premium. We passionately believe that this is not a barrier to success, but rather that by improving outcomes for all in our school we benefit the most disadvantaged most of all. 

Overall Aims:

  • Provide opportunities for personal development with the intention of building aspiration, ambition and motivation.
  • Through understanding and responding to data, provide Maths, English and Science intervention for underachievers with the aim to improve numeracy and literacy skills from KS3 onwards.
  • Evaluate and seek impact of interventions on learning and progression through tracking data.

Emma Hemsley is the Director of Raising Standards. If you have any enquiries, please contact her on Hemsleye@wyedeanschool.com


Our Trustees understand their role in holding us to account for our use of the Pupil and Service Premium. We have a link Trustee for Pupil Premium, who works closely with the Raising Standards Leader to review and identify concerns through the year for this important group of students.  Trustees are aware of the issues surrounding the spending of the Pupil and Service Premium, and progress data when shared with the Board of Trustees is presented with PP vs Non – PP National gaps in mind.  This allows Trustees to challenge the school leaders and also identify where support for subjects and year groups may be concentrated. 

How we spend the Pupil Premium at Wyedean School

We apply careful principles to our Pupil Premium spend, basing academic spend decisions on the professional judgement of our staff, resources spend decisions on the need of the individual child, and spending our allocation of the Pupil Premium in ways we know over time have had a sustainable impact on progress for these students.

We use a rigorous method to track the impact of interventions (academic, pastoral and other), which have been put in place funded by, or part funded by the Pupil Premium. We track the progress of the students in terms of their grades in subjects, but we also measure the efficacy of an intervention and whether we believe it should continue. Students are engaged as a part of this process.

Some of the interventions we put into place are academic, some are to support other needs and all are regularly assessed for their impact on student wellbeing and progress.

We deploy a range of interventions for all year groups that combine challenge and support, with a view to maximising progress. In order to measure impact, these interventions are monitored regularly and adapted accordingly. As a result, the interventions are having an impact; improving the performance and wellbeing of students in receipt of Pupil and Service Premium. Whilst we are pleased with the results in many areas, we are also aware that work still needs to be done to address extant gaps in other areas. The staff are fully committed to eradicate the attainment gap. Student welfare and progress is discussed regularly for Year 7 – 13 for all students, not only those in receipt of the Pupil and Service Premium by key professionals in Raising Standards meetings which happen at intervals through the year.

Those who need to receive additional support can then have timely and relevant support or intervention, with a view to adequate progress being made for the student to close any gaps in knowledge

Academic Year 2024-2025

Pupil Premium Strategy 2024-2027


Academic Year 2023-2024

Pupil Premium Expenditure 2023-2024

Pupil Premium Policy 2023-2024


Academic Year 2022-2023

Pupil Premium Strategy 2021-2024

Pupil Premium Expenditure 2021-2022

16-19 Tuition Fund 2022-2023

Pupil Premium Policy 2022-2023

Pupil Premium Expenditure 2022-2023


Academic Year 2021-2022

Pupil Premium Strategy 2021-2024

Pupil Premium Expenditure 2020-2021

16-19 Tuition fund 2021-2022