GCSE Revision Checkers
English Language and Literature Revision Checklist
Past Papers
English 8700 2 INS English Language
English 8700 1 QP English Language
English 8700 1 INS English Language
English 8700 2 QP English Language
English 8700 2 INS English Language
English 8700 1 QP English Language
English 8700 1 INS English Language
Year 11 resources
Academic Mentoring Revision resources
How to revise effectively for English Language
How to revise effectively for English Literature
GCSE Resources
Overview of Paper 1
English Language Paper 1 AQA GCSE Guidance for Parents
English Language Paper 1 AQA Language Paper 1 Overview
Section A
English Language Paper 1 AQA English Paper 1 Fahrenheit 451 Practice Paper 1
English Language Paper 1 AQA Paper 1A DRACULA Section A
English Language Paper 1 AQA Paper 1A FRANKENSTEIN
English Language Paper 1 AQA Paper 1A GREAT EXPECTATIONS
English Language Paper 1 AQA Paper 1A Sunrise On The Veldt Practice Paper 1
English Language Paper 1 AQA Paper 1 Shadows On The Nile Practice Paper 1
English Language Paper 1 Q3 AQA Guide
English Language Paper 1 The Structure Question 3 Sentence Starters
Section B
English Language Paper 1 AQA English Paper 1 Section BQ5-War
English Language Paper 1 AQA English Paper 1 Section B Celebration
English Language Paper 1 AQA English Paper 1 Section BQ5 Banquet
English Language Paper 1 AQA English Section B Q5 Animal
Overview of Paper 2
English Language Paper 2 AQA Language Paper 2 Overview
Section A
English Language Paper 2 New Made Up Paper-2 Working Women
English Language Paper 2 Paper 2A And B Child Labour Both Sections
English Literature
Paper 1: Macbeth
Quiz: Who said that Macbeth
Paper 1: A Christmas Carol
Paper 2: An Inspector Calls
Paper 2: Worlds and Lives
World and Lives digital anthology
Worlds and Lives poetry clusters
Worlds and Lives revision guide
Paper 2: Unseen poetry
English Language and Literature GCSE
Exam Board AQA
How will I be assessed?
No controlled assessment – 100% exam.
English Language Paper 1
- Explorations in creative reading and writing
- 1 hour 45 mins
- Section A: reading, Section B: writing
- 80 marks, 50% of GCSE
English Language Paper 2
- Writers’ view points and perspectives
- 1 hour 45 mins
- Section A: reading, Section B: writing
- 80 marks, 50% of GCSE
English Literature Paper 1
- Shakespeare and the 19th Century novel
- 1 hour 45 mins
- Section A: Shakespeare (Macbeth ) 34 marks
- Section B: 19th Centry novel ( A Christmas Carol) 30 marks
- 64 marks, 40% of GCSE
English Literature Paper 2
- Modern texts and poetry
- 2 hours 15 mins
- Section A: Modern text (An Inspector Calls) 34 marks
- Section B: Poetry Anthology 30 marks
- Section C: Unseen Poetry 32 marks
- 96 marks, 60% of GCSE
English Language
Reading skills: summary, comparison, language analysis, evaluate, infer, analyse structure, read for meaning. Students need to be familiar with grammatical terminology, parts of speech and literary terminology in order to analyse the texts closely.
Writing skills: writing to entertain and writing to present a point of view, in a particular genre. Students must have a clear understanding of these writing styles and use accurate spelling, punctuation and grammar.
English Literature
The exams are now ‘closed book’ – which means students will not have a copy of the play, poems or novel in the exam with them. They need to learn key quotes to use in their exam essays.
Students need to know the texts well, including their plot structure, key characters, themes, the historical context that they were written in and be able to analyse how they have been written. They need to know key literary terminology in order to analyse language of the texts successfully.
Additional Revision Resources
- Reread the books, plays and poems. Nothing (not even watching the film adaptations!) can make up for that in-depth knowledge of the texts gained from rereading the texts over and again.
- CGP revision guides on set texts and the AQA exams available in the LRC.
- AQA GCSE revision books and text guides available via Amazon.
- Download the PIXLit app and follow the PIXLit APP How to Guide to get started
- SAM Learning – Use GCSE, AQA English Language tasks
- www.schoolrevisionapps.com for all core texts for the exams
- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.litcharts&hl=en_GB
- http://www.shmoop.com/
- http://www.sparknotes.com/
- http://www.s-cool.co.uk/
- http://www.mrbruff.com/
- www.bbc.co.uk/education/subjects/zr9d7ty – Language
- www.bbc.co.uk/education/subjects/zckw2hv – Literature
- Look out for our after-school revision schedule published in school, via newsletter and email.
We run ‘walking mock’ exams, offering actual exam practice in timed conditions, whilst walking students through the paper, reminding them of the key points of the mark scheme and our top tips.
Download the following:
English Language Walking Mock Paper 1