Wyedean Trustees
The Trustees of Wyedean School are proud of the opportunities offered to our young people to develop the values and skills essential for their future. We are determined to appoint highly dedicated teachers to the staff who have the interest of every student at heart. It is our wish that all students achieve their full potential with academic qualifications whilst developing the personal qualities of initiative and self-confidence. Parents and staff are represented on the Board of Trustees, working closely with the Principal and Leadership Team to set the aims and targets for the school and provide a broad and balanced curriculum. We recognise that support at home is an essential part of learning for young people and we are always ready to receive the views of parents and hope some can consider standing for election as Parent Trustees when the situation arises. You are assured of a warm and friendly welcome when visiting the school. You can contact any member of the Board of Trustees via the Trustee Support Officer: Tess Deighton
Our Vision
The pursuit of excellence in all of the school’s activities is demonstrated by an uncompromising and highly successful drive to strongly improve, or maintain, the highest levels of achievement and personal development for all students over a sustained period of time.
All leaders, including those responsible for governance, are highly ambitious for the students and lead by example. They base their actions on a deep and accurate understanding of the school’s performance, and of the staff and students’ skills and attributes.
Ashley Syms-Rees
Chair of Trustees
Declarations of Interest Trustees 24-25
Trustee Terms of Office 2024-25
Trustees Committee Membership 2024-25
Trustee’s Responsibilities
School trustees make important collective decisions. The board of trustees is responsible to parents and the community. The board of trustees should:
Ensure that the school achieves high educational standards and encourages every student to reach their potential.
Contribute to the School Improvement Plan and set priorities.
Set the school’s policies, aim and targets.
Appoints senior staff, including the Principal.
Be involved in the recruitment of all other staff in consultation with the Principal.
Control the school budget.
Ensure money is spent wisely.
Ensure a broad and balanced curriculum which meets National Curriculum Standards.
The Board of Trustees
Membership is drawn from groups who have an interest in the school. Terms of office are normally four years (excluding the Principal). Provided they are eligible, a trustee may serve again. Below are the members who have served on the board over the last 12 months:
Gwennan Jeremiah
Parent Trustees (elected by parents):
Karina Halford
Mohamed Abdirahman
Co-opted Trustees (appointed by the Board of Trustees):
Sarah Maley
Ashley Syms-Rees (Chair)
Marcus Tester
Hugo Whately
Anne Carroll
Cathy Minett-Smith
Jessica Lewis
Mark Leeming
Andy Lord
Robin Macharg
Ashley Syms-Rees
Sarah McLellan
Pen Portraits
Karina Halford - Parent Trustee
My name is Karina Halford I have 2 children at the school, in Years 7 and 10. I own and run an entertainment and events business and a theatre group which consists of both children and adults. I also work alongside Monmouthshire council as a licensed child chaperone.
Most of all as a parent I am pleased to be given the opportunity to be involved with Wyedean School. I am here to support the school, staff and other Trustees and to make sure the students of Wyedean receive the highest standard of education.
Sarah Maley - Co-opted Trustee
I am a senior lecturer at the University of Bristol, where I have been teaching medical students for 15 years. In particular, I have experience of leading teams to ensure courses are delivered to a high standard using innovative teaching methods. I have taken part in teaching quality assurance reviews and in exam review boards. I have experience in recruitment and line management and I regularly organise and chair meetings with multidisciplinary teams of people. I am passionate about offering high quality education and can offer insights into what skills are required for pupils to transition smoothly into higher education.
Marcus Tester - Co-opted Trustee
I have an ongoing enthusiasm for good education and look for ways to make a contribution to support children’s success. My interest is mainly in secondary education. Over the years I have chaired the board of advisors of a small, private school whose pupils include children previously excluded from education (including going through an Estyn inspection), co-lead a group of parents who worked with teachers to propose a new State school that would provide qualified teachers with a different approach to delivering good educational experiences to all children, spent some time in a number of State schools observing and learning about teaching, delivered mathematics and business studies teaching and tuition to individuals or small groups of children, engaged with my own son’s school education and designed and delivered training to new graduate employees during my earlier, successful 25-year career as a consulting actuary advising pension schemes and companies on managing financial risk.
I believe that many of the skills I developed whilst working in the actuarial field and in education related activities are relevant to the role of a trustee. I also have experience of managing other people and running meetings.
Hugo Whately - Co-opted Trustee
I've taught RE, RS and Philosophy at secondary schools for 15 years, as a head of department in state and private schools in London, Bristol and Monmouth. My PHD is in philosophy of education, and I have taught on PGCE teacher training courses at the universities of Bristol, Roehampton and the London IoE. I have also worked with Teach First, and the all party parliamentary group on RE.
Personally and professionally I believe that the pastoral and the academic are interdependent; I see curiosity and imagination as core to the educational project. This has driven my approach to teaching; giving young people the confidence to ask their own questions is as important as learning how to answer other people's.
Mohamed Abdirahman - Parent Trustee
Outside of work I enjoy reading and amateur acting for the stage. I have a daughter at Wyedean in Year 8.
Robin Macharg - Member
I have been involved with Wyedean for the last 7 years, initially as a Parent Governor, and laterally as a Member of the Board of Trustees. I've previously served on the Partnership and Well-being, and Resources committees. I have three children currently at the school, the youngest about to start GCSE study and the eldest about to go to university. I've lived in Alvington, to the north of Chepstow, for the last 12 years, having moved from Bristol for a little more country air. Professionally, I'm a software developer with 35 years experience, currently specialising in iPhone all development in the area of Machine Learning and Recommendation systems. Outside my school involvement I'm the Charity Coordinator for Chepstow Gold Senior Touch Rugby, as well as an occasional Scouting helper.
Trustees who have stood down in the last 12 months
Sophie Hills - Term 06/02/2019 - 09/01/2022
Lesley Moore - Term 10/03/2018 - 10/03/2022
Victoria Obermaier - Term 05/10/2021 - 03/10/2022
Rebecca Durman - Term 09/12/2019 - 18/11/2022
Alex Lupo - Term 09/12/2019 - 15/03/2023
Kate Burke - Term 03/09/2022 - 11/07/2023
Andrew Walsh - Term 01/09/2022 - 09/09/2023
Sarah McLellan - Term 01/12/2015 - 12/12/2023
Andy Lord - Term 25/01/2022 - 12/12/2023
Tom Haywood-Pope - Term 15/12/2020 - 12/12/2023
Mark Lewis - Term 19/05/2023 - 09/07/2024
The Board of Trustees has a number of sub-committees. The committees meet at least termly. All Trustees are members of at least one committee. In addition, some staff attend on an advisory basis.
To view these committees please click Trustee_Committee_Membership_2024-25
Learning Area Links
To view Trustees’ attendance at meetings, please click the link below:
Trustees Attendance 2023-2024Governors attendance register 2019-20
Governor attendance 2018-19